A double submit cookie is defined as sending a random value in both a cookie and as a request parameter, with the server verifying if the cookie value and request value match.
Simply what it means is setting a cookie with a generated token in server side so that attacker cannot generate a valid token.
Let's implement this, first follow the steps in this article https://theekshanasl.blogspot.com/2018/05/cross-site-request-forgery-protection_14.html
then set a cookie when the token is generated as below.
<?php session_start(); $s_id = session_id(); if (empty($_SESSION['token'])) { $_SESSION['token'] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); $token = $_SESSION['token'];
setcookie("csr_token", $token, time() + (440), "/", "localhost", false, true);
} setcookie("s_id", $s_id, time() + (1440), "/", "localhost", false, true); ?>
and finally, change login.php file to get the cookie value "csr_token" to a variable and check in the if condition like below.
<?php session_start(); $uname=$_POST['uname']; $password=$_POST['password']; $userSession=$_COOKIE['s_id']; $user_token=$_COOKIE['csr_token']; $csr=$_POST['csr']; if(empty($uname) || empty($password)){ echo "Please fill all the required fields\n"; }else{ if($uname="admin" && $password="admin" && $userSession=session_id() && $csr=$_SESSION['token'] && $csr=$user_token){ echo "Login successful, Hello admin"; }else{ echo "Login un-successful"; } } ?>
Complete source code: https://github.com/theekshanasl/SSS/tree/master/Assignment%202
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